Self deprecating post yay~.
- I'm really sorry for not posting anything for a while "orz.
- I previously intended to make an "About me" post for this, but lately I felt a bit miserable and the draft for that gets a bit too emo, so I scrapped it.
- Now my comics no longer uses comic sans fonts. Didn't knew it was a hated font until a friend of mine told me haha :p.
- Figumo Warfare 2 didn't won the contest because we're the only one that actually submitted stop motion videos, therefore the stop motion award was removed :(.
- And my friend that worked on the video told me he wasn't satisfied with the video and wanted to extend some parts making it into somewhat a "Director's cut" (and he won't allow me to upload the video until he finishes that).
- Fate/Zero is awesome.
- Some of my markers started to dry :(.
- Finished building Shiranui's body.
- RG Sky Grasper + Sword & Launcher Pack was (IMO) a good call by Bandai, will definitely get.
- So what's about the next RG after the Sky Grasper? A friend of mine told me that he thinks it would be AGE, but I'll hope Bandai waits at least another year so they can release RG AGE-1, AGE-2, & AGE-3 consecutively.
- I guess I should start working on Jesta's WIP...
- And here's to another 100 post and more!! :D