Image taken from Gundam Guy
Based on the text on the picture on the middle-left, the standard HGUC GM Sniper II will have:
- 75mm Sniper Rifle (standard GM Sniper II Sniper Rifle)
- 90mm Bullpup Machine Gun (the SMS that was included on HGUC GM Powered)
- Beam Sabres
- Shield (the same one as the HGUC GM Custom)
- A head that had the visor placed in front of the eye camera
- A complementary left hand to hold the Sniper Rifle
Based on the text on the middle of the pic, the limited HGUC GM Sniper II White Dingo ver will have:
- Vulcan pod on the right side of the head
- A Middle shield
- Long Range Beam Rifle (GM Sniper I's rifle)
I'm not sure if the White Dingo still get the rest of the accessories that are supposedly "replaced" (rifle & shield) or not.
Either way, it's been a while since I'm very hyped about a HG release. A definite buy for me :).